Sounds Like We've Got A Lawsuit Coming From The Obama Camp
Sure sounds like the Obama campaign is gearing up for a lawsuit to me. And for the record, numerous election irregularities and party affiliation problems have been reported at BSB today. From Paul Tewes, the Obama Ohio campaign manager.
“Our campaign’s goal today is to ensure that any registered voter in the state of Ohio can go to the polls and cast their ballot for their candidate of choice without interference. We understand that the Clinton campaign may want to depress turnout because Barack Obama has closed a 20-point gap over the course of this month as voters across the state got to know him.”
“It has been the hallmark of the Democratic party to educate and protect the rights of voters. If the Clinton campaign disagrees with that principle, they should say so today.”
“We have received reports from around the state of independents and Republicans who chose to vote in the Democratic primary receiving issue only or Republican ballots instead of the Democratic ballot they were entitled to. We have also had reports that the voter ID requirements have been misstated at various locations, causing some voters to be turned away. “
“ We will take action when necessary to ensure that all eligible voters are able to cast their votes and to have their votes counted.”