As a formerly dumbed down Democrat, I start this blog to counter the division created by the left / right paradigm. There are the the Elite and then there are the rest of us. This left / right paradigm is used to divide and conquer. This technique is as old as time.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine
The Primary Motive behind this alleged criminal activity is also the primary cause of most murders in the world today, and that motivation is simply: BIG MONEY. Billions of Dollars of windfall profits from government contracts worldwide, as a matter of fact.
and April of 2009 for the primary purpose of creating a panic-stricken world-wide demand for Novartis vaccine material.
The evidence will also clearly show that the Novartis vaccine material is in reality designed to facilitate the further mutation of the pandemic into more lethal waves of increasingly virulent and deadly disease, rather than to curtail and limit the existing outbreak. The evidence will show that Novartis is willingly being used, (and extremely well-paid) to facilitate the edicts of the global elite's Club of Rome; which edicts clearly call for a massive and sudden depopulation of certain segments of the earth's human population.
To realize such windfall profits on an engineered, global flu pandemic, detailed covert planning must take place of course.
Patents protecting the proprietary flu vaccine must be applied for and secured before the pandemic virus is released in order to minimize the competition and maximize the profit potentials. In a biological attack of this nature, timing is extremely critical.
Indeed, the evidence is clear Novartis applied for just such a patent on Nov. 4, 2005, and the U.S. Patent Office accepted this application and granted US 20090047353A1 for a "Split Influenza Vaccine with Adjuvants" on February 19, 2009. (See bottom of page).
With this patent now secured, the conspirators were now free to create the demand for their "novel" split influenza vaccine by releasing a "novel" split-influenza (combining multiple viruses) pandemic virus from a weapons lab test-tube into unsuspecting human hosts. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/17/AR2009061703271.html
The so-called "Swine Flu" grabbing headlines today is actually a recombinant, or "split-influenza" virus consisting of A-strain Bird-Flu (H5N1), Swine Flu (H1N1) and multiple strains of human flu (H3N2). Likewise, the 1918 Killer Flu that killed untold millions of people was a recombinant or "split-influenza" virus composed of Bird flu, Swine Flu, and multiple strains of human flu.
The criminal timeline begins in 1997, when Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger assembled a team of geneticists and microbiologists to analyze the genome structure, and then to REPRODUCE (i.e. reverse engineer) what is arguably one of the most deadly viral structures the world has ever been cursed with the 1918 killer flu virus. According to numerous published stories and reports, Taubenberger and his team utilized super-computers to map the complex RNA and DNA structures of the killer virus, then utilized human plasmids to successfully re-create the 1918 killer. Taubenberger completed his work in early 2005, then immediately left the employ of the U.S. Army at Ft. Detrick to take a much more lucrative position with the National Institutes of Health. His new focus was to create a VACCINE against the very same 1918 killer flu that he and his team had, just months earlier, successfully "reverse engineered" and created.
This researcher is very confident that a focused criminal investigation would likely reveal prima facia evidence that Taubenberger was in reality working for Novartis while employed with the N.I.H. and was quite likely the primary author of Novartis' Nov. 6, 2005 "provisional" patent application. On page 2, paragraph 32 of the patent publication we read, quote: "The influenza virus [that the 'invention vaccine' is designed to protect against] may be a reassortant strain, and may have been obtained by reverse genetics techniques. Reverse genetics techniques allow influenza viruses with desired genome segments to be prepared in vitro using plasmids." The remnant of the paragraph then goes into very specific detail as to the actual mechanics of how the pandemic virus was actually created by Taubenberger's Ft. Detrick team. At the very least, the author of the patent application had to have studied Taubenberger's various published reports on his work at Detrick, for the wording and science is virtually verbatim.
Furthermore, this paragraph is even more damning by the words "may have been obtained". Who "obtained" this virus and for what reason was it "obtained"? Keep in mind the CDC and HHS would have Americans believe that the pandemic viral outbreak is totally a "natural" occurrence if so then how could Novartis have such an incredible advance knowledge to the point of developing a vaccine with such absolutely PERFECT TIMING???
Novartis International AG is simply the world's largest, multi-national pharmaceutical company with over $53 Billion USD revenue generated in 2008. It's headquarters is located in Basel, Switzerland, home of the vaunted "Swiss Guards" who provide all security measures for the Vatican and the Club of Rome. The company logo symbolizes the "eternal flame" of the Illuminati "enlightened ones". Dig into Novartis International AG's long history, and one finds that it began as a component of the infamous I.G. Farben combine, which in turn was primarily responsible for the rise of Adolph Hitler and the German/Austrian Third Reich.
Dig a bit deeper and you find that Novartis also wholly owns a company called Sandoz which was the inventor of LSD and other strong hallucinogenic "truth" drugs, and was the supplier of LSD to the CIA allowing them to scale new heights with their covert "MK ULTRA" mind control experiments. Documents released to U.S. Congressional investigators in 1977 show that Sandoz Labs had arranged for certain Nazi scientists to gain new identities in Allen Dulles' CIA at the conclusion of WWII. This was accomplished under a secret extraction program called "Operation Paper Clip".
The address listed on the Novartis Patent applications is a P.O. Box in Emeryville, California. Up until the summer of 2005, this Emeryville California address belonged to Chiron Inc. the world's second-largest INFLUENZA VACCINE MANUFACTURER. Chiron was doing very well, with reported sales of $357 million in fiscal 2002. Chiron's sales nearly doubled, peaking at a whopping $678 million in 2003 and it was mostly due to the marketing and sale of FLU VACCINE CONTRACTS to the federal government. Novartis, which owned much of Chiron's stock, was very pleased, until disaster struck in 2004 --- the entire year's stock of flu vaccine was found to be contaminated and was condemned.
Stock values plummeted on the news. With the stock at a historic low, Novartis quickly purchased the remainder of Chiron's stock and began immediately to work on the massive "novel pandemic flu" vaccine that they somehow knew would soon have worldwide demand especially if they controlled the exclusive patent they could effectively "corner the pandemic flu vaccine market"!!
I would submit that killing tens of thousands of innocent humans via the systemic creation of a "pandemic" in order to make billions of dollars is vile enough, but there is also evidence that there is an even more heinous hidden agenda at work here, and it is spelled GENOCIDE.
It is no mystery that Adolph Hitler advocated the elevation of a Nordic "Master Race" that would rule the world in a "New Order of the Ages" called the "Third Reich". Sadly, not all of the EUGENIC/GENOCIDAL National Socialists were executed at Nuremburg.
In reality, the elite financiers that actually dictated the agenda to Hitler, merely went underground, willing to bide their time until their godless agenda to liquidate BILLIONS of people could be successfully implemented.
The evidence that the Novartis-controlled "Pandemic Vaccine" may well be a tool of mass genocide, is actually quite overwhelming.
At this point, some readers may scoff and ask: "Why would any company want to kill off their customers?" The answer is that these "customers" control large blocks of assets and equity. As Kissinger's "NSSM-200" report outlines, the "spoils" of genocide include controlling large tracts of land and mineral assets. This is secondary, of course, to their warped dream of creating a Utopian World Order with only 500 million "worthy" humans allowed to share in it.
While George H.W. Bush was busy saving the world from the evil dictator Saddam Hussein in 1991, pursuant to his U.N. speech to create a "new world order" an agenda for an "Initiative for Eco-92 Earth Charter" elitist meeting happened to fall into honest, Christian hands. This agenda basically reiterated the genocide outlined in Henry Kissinger's infamous NSSM-200 report of 1974, and called for "the immediate reduction of world population." The entire report can be downloaded at:
My extensive research shows that by 1992, the massive death rate of AIDS had simply not materialized to the Elite's satisfaction, and a more efficient mass killer had to be engineered in order to fulfill the edicts cut into the "Georgia Guidestones".
Evidence shows that like the 2009 "Novel" Flu Virus the HIV virus was also engineered and manufactured in the labs of Ft. Detrick.
In 1969, during a House Appropriations Committee hearing, the Defense Department's Biological Warfare (BW) division at Ft. Detrick requested funds to develop, through complex gene-splicing (i.e. genetic engineering) a "novel" new disease that would both be resistant to, and break down a victim's immune system. The Congressional Record reads:
"Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases."
The funds for this "Dr. Strangelove" project were somehow approved. AIDS "magically" appeared within the requested time frame, and of course, just happens to exhibit the exact characteristics specified by the Ft. Detrick scientists.
Three years later, in 1972, the fledgling World Health Organization (WHO) published a very similar proposal to the one submitted to the U.S. House Appropriations Committee in 1969. The WHO proposed that: "An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by ...affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the immune cells responding to the viral antigens." (Bulletin of the W.H.O., vol. 47, p 257- 274.) This is a "textbook" clinical description of the function of the HIV/AIDS virus.
The W.H.O. shortly thereafter begins a massive "smallpox vaccination" program in Africa in 1975. Within two years, millions of smallpox vaccines are provided by Novartis et. al, under U.N.I.C.E.F. funding. A decade later, it is determined by independent journalists in the U.K. that the incidence of AIDS infections' MAPPED AND GRAPHED EPICENTERS in Africa coincided exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program centers in the mid-1970's (Source, The London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN 'humanitarian missions' to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign, and soon contracted HIV. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations of the Haitians maintain they had been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than a routine shot.
In 1987, Dr. Hilleman, head of all vaccine production of Merck Pharmaceuticals stunned the world with his public admissions that the mass vaccination campaigns of the 1950s and '60s likely caused thousands of cancer deaths each year. This was due to the presence of a cancer-causing virus that contaminated the first polio vaccine, according to Dr. Hilleman. Known as SV40, the virus originated from dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture the first Salk vaccines. Doctors estimate that the virus was injected into tens of millions during the vaccination campaigns, including several million in Canada, before being detected and screened out in 1963. Those born between 1941 and 1961 are thought to be most at risk of having been infected with SV40, and are estimated to have a 300% greater chance of developing cancer. According to Hilleman MERCK KNEW THE VACCINES WERE INFECTED WITH SV40, but distributed them anyway. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edikv0zbAlU
Furthermore, research doctors in New Orleans reported in 1963 that a percentage of the Salk polio vaccines were found to have attenuated, (live) viruses, which actually CAUSED tens of thousands of polio cases during the 1950's.
Following the successful liberation of Kuwait in Operation Desert Storm, hundreds of thousands of victorious American troops are suddenly stricken with a wide variety of auto-immune disorders that doctors named the Gulf War Syndrome, (GWS). After a decade of medical investigation, the culprit is finally determined to be an ingredient in the anthrax vaccinations mandatorily given to the troops. This offending "adjuvant" is a synthetic material known as squalene aka, oil-in-water adjuvant. Writer and Gulf War correspondent Gary Matsumoto documents this entire, tragic saga in his seminal book, "Vaccine-A". See www.vaccine-a.com.
Understanding these historical facts is very important for this reason: Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it. This is doubly true when it comes to blindly accepting a "novel" mass vaccination for a weaponized, "reverse engineered" virus.
The historical record is very clear attenuated, live viruses in vaccines SPREAD the disease very effectively. When combined with SQUALENE ADJUVANT the virus becomes many times more potent and lethal. When given to CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS, millions of "typhoid Matts and Marys" will be spreading the disease exponentially.
Chillingly, the Novartis patent for the "novel pandemic flu" declares that "African green monkey kidney cells" will be used for the "viral growth substrate" i.e. the carrier medium.
(Page 3, paragraph 0037) We also see that "oil-in-water" squalene-based adjuvants will also be included (page 8 0098) but most incredible of all, because this is a "recombinant" and "novel" split vaccine, it is deemed necessary to include fragments of attenuated viruses (i.e. live pathogens) in the vaccine medium.
On July 13, 2009, the W.H.O. sanctioned this lunacy by declaring: "In view of the anticipated limited vaccine availability at global level and the potential need to protect against "drifted" strains of virus, it is recommended that promoting production and use of vaccines such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines is important."
In conclusion and summation, it should be evident that the "2009 Swine Flu" could just as easily be called the "Bird Flu" because it is as much H5N1 (bird flu) as H1N1 (pig flu.) Novartis knew this in 2005 when it received hundreds of millions of dollars from Mike Leavitt's HHS to develop and patent the "bird flu" vaccine. I publicly charge that Novartis had advance knowledge of this "combination" because they had been in consultation with Jeffrey Taubenberger for years.
It is further evident that Novartis' patent provides for "influenza vaccine kits" to be provided to other pharmaceutical manufacturers as well. These "kits" are the basic raw ingredients needed for the other companies to build their own vaccines under their own label.
In 2005, this "jobbing" of separate ingredients by multiple companies would never have been allowed because of the legal liability issues involved. However, in 2009, all liabilities for death and disability from faulty or contaminated vaccines have been stripped away. Any wrongful death or disability lawsuits against Novartis or any other company will today be summarily dismissed.
Novartis today has carte blanche blanket immunity for their actions and any large pharmaceutical company who so desires, can join them at the feeding troughs just by paying millions for their "kits".
If this isn't the pinnacle of criminality, then I don't know what is.
Novartis, if this "novel split vaccine" is so wonderful and safe, why do you require such blanket protection from litigation?
Jeff -
As I have written, the smoking gun is found in the pages of this attached patent below.
Novartis admits that their "invented" vaccine will be effective because of ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING THE ORIGINS OF THE PANDEMIC FLU STRAIN THAT WAS "REVERSED ENGINEERED" WHICH WAS OBTAINED! Clearly the pandemic virus was not an act of nature.
This is prima facia evidence of conspiracy to commit mass murder to get gain, is it not?
- True Ott
The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in U.S.
The Pentagon has approached Congress to grant the Secretary of Defense the authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States in times of emergency or a major disaster.
This request has already occasioned a dispute with the nation’s governors. And it raises the prospect of U.S. military personnel patrolling the streets of the United States, in conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
In June, the U.S. Northern Command distributed a “Congressional Fact Sheet” entitled “Legislative Proposal for Activation of Federal Reserve Forces for Disasters.” That proposal would amend current law, thereby “authorizing the Secretary of Defense to order any unit or member of the Army Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Navy Reserve, and the Marine Corps Reserve, to active duty for a major disaster or emergency.”
Taken together, these reserve units would amount to “more than 379,000 military personnel in thousands of communities across the United States,” explained
Paul Stockton, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and America’s Security Affairs, in a letter to the National Governors Association, dated July 20.
The governors were not happy about this proposal, since they want to maintain control of their own National Guard forces, as well as military personnel acting in a domestic capacity in their states.
“We are concerned that the legislative proposal you discuss in your letter would invite confusion on critical command and control issues,” Governor James H. Douglas of Vermont and Governor Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, the president and vice president of the governors’ association, wrote in a letter back to Stockton on August 7. The governors asserted that they “must have tactical control over all . . . active duty and reserve military forces engaged in domestic operations within the governor’s state or territory.”
According to Pentagon public affairs officer Lt. Col. Almarah K. Belk, Stockton has not responded formally to the governors but understands their concerns.
“There is a rub there,” she said. “If the Secretary calls up the reserve personnel to provide support in a state and retains command and control of those forces, the governors are concerned about if I have command and control of the Guard, how do we ensure unity of effort and everyone is communicating and not running over each other.”
Belk said Stockton is addressing this problem. “That is exactly what Dr. Stockton is working out right now with the governors and DHS and the National Guard,” she said. “He’s bringing all the stakeholders together.”
Belk said the legislative change is necessary in the aftermath of a “catastrophic natural disaster, not beyond that,” and she referred to Katrina, among other events.
But NorthCom’s Congressional fact sheet refers not just to a “major disaster” but also to “emergencies.” And it says, “Those terms are defined in section 5122 of title 42, U.S. Code.”
That section gives the President the sole discretion to designate an event as an “emergency” or a “major disaster.” Both are “in the determination of the President” alone.
That section also defines “major disaster” by citing plenty of specifics: “hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, or drought,” as well as “fire, flood, or explosion.”
But the definition of “emergency” is vague: “Emergency means any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in any part of the United States.”
Currently, the President can call up the Reserves only in an emergency involving “a use or threatened use of a weapon of mass destruction” or “a terrorist attack or threatened terrorist attack in the United States that results, or could result, in significant loss of life or property,” according to Title 10, Chapter 1209, Section 12304, of the U.S. Code. In fact, Section 12304 explicitly prohibits the President from calling up the Reserves for any other “natural or manmade disaster, accident, or catastrophe.”
So the new proposed legislation would greatly expand the President’s power to call up the Reserves in a disaster or an emergency and would extend that power to the Secretary of Defense. (There are other circumstances, such as repelling invasions or rebellions or enforcing federal authority, where the President already has the authority to call up the Reserves.)
The ACLU is alarmed by the proposed legislation. Mike German, the ACLU’s national security policy counsel, expressed amazement “that the military would propose such a broad set of authorities and potentially undermine a 100-year-old prohibition against the military in domestic law enforcement with no public debate and seemingly little understanding of the threat to democracy.”
At the moment, says Pentagon spokesperson Belk, the legislation does not have a sponsor in the House or the Senate.
For more information on NorthCom, see Matthew Rothschild’s “What Is NorthCom Up To?” which ran on the cover of The Progressive’s February issue.
And to stay abreast of the military’s encroachment into domestic affairs and other civil liberties issues, please subscribe to The Progressive today for only $14.97 by clicking hereThursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Computer scientists reveal new voting machine hack successfully changed votes
A team of computer scientists at University of California, San Diego, the University of Michigan and Princeton University announced a new way to electronically steal votes Monday.
“We wanted to find if a real criminal could do this, starting from scratch, with no access to source code or other closely guarded technical information,” the announcer begins. “We faced several challenges: getting a voting machine, figuring out how it works, discovering a weakness, overcoming the machine’s security features and constructing attack software.”
“In the end we found that it is possible to undetectably change votes and that such an attack takes a lot less time and money than one might expect,” the announcer said.
A Princeton professor was able to acquire five voting machines for just $82 that had been resold on a government surplus website. The acquired machines were originally sold by Sequoia Voting Systems.
While the voting machines were older and had been discontinued by North Carolina, where they were originally used, the voting apparatus are still in use in Louisiana and New Jersey.
Professors and computer science graduate students found that they could switch votes use a technique called “return oriented programming.”
The students theorized that voting machines could be easily broken into by attackers the night before the election, and vote hacking software installed. The following day, machines would produce altered votes without being able to be detected.
The study was done using 16 graduate students and cost a total of $100,000 — a tiny fraction of the money spent by both parties during the 2008 presidential campaign.
This video is from University of California, San Diego, broadcast Aug. 10, 2009.
William Kostric Alex Jones 08 12 09 obama gun town hall

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William Kostric armed activist near recent Obama town hall was interviewed by Alex Jones 08 12 09
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reflects on publicity
A man carried a handgun strapped to his leg to a town hall meeting being held by President Obama in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Tuesday.
It's legal for him to have the gun as long as it is unconcealed, the police told MSNBC. The man was on private property -- church ground on the roadway leading to the high school where Obama would speak. The church gave the man permission to be there. However, according to police officers, he is under constant surveillance and is not anywhere near where the president will speak.
Talking Points Memo points out that the man was carrying a sign referencing this Jefferson quote: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Gun-Toting Man Draws Scrutiny Outside Obama Town Hall

New Hampshire state law is pretty clear about protecting its citizens' rights to carry firearms in public. Carrying a pistol or revolver openly is permitted without a license; carrying a concealed weapon requires a license from the state or local police.
William Kostric took advantage of that law on Tuesday to show up outside President Obama's Portsmouth, N.H. town hall meeting and hold a sign saying "It Is Time To Water The Tree Of Liberty." That invokes a phrase from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Kostric did not immediately respond to an interview request from CBSNews.com.
Portsmouth police spokesman Lt. Frank Warchol told the Boston Globe that because Kostric was on private property -- it belongs to a church near the school with the town hall meeting -- he would not be arrested. "We can't do anything about it," Warchol said. "Obviously he's on our radar screen at this time."
Kostric was there around 11 a.m. ET, before Mr. Obama even left the White House en route for the Granite State, and there's no indication he ever laid eyes on the president. Nevertheless, around that time (11:35 a.m., to be precise) MSNBC's Carlos Watson called for Kostric to be forcibly disarmed: "I cannot imagine that there aren't enough lawyers in New Hampshire who can't file some sort of emergency injunction." One of his guests added: "Why can't we get rid of him now?"
MSNBC's Chris Matthews invited Kostric on his show and wondered why "you're carrying a goddamned gun at a presidential event?" (Kostric's reply: He was there peacefully, guns aren't unusual in New Hampshire, and Americans lose rights unless they exercise them.)
One MSNBC.com report indicates that Kostric was approached by a detective, possibly a Secret Service agent, who told him he could be arrested within 1,000 feet of a school with a weapon under a federal law.
Some background: the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act said that it "shall be unlawful" to possess a firearm within 1,000 feet of an elementary or secondary school.
That law is no longer on the books. In the case of U.S. v. Lopez, decided in 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court said violated Congress' powers to regulate interstate commerce and was therefore unconstitutional.
Congress re-enacted a version in 1996 with a narrower definition of interstate commerce; it says the statute does not apply "on private property not part of school grounds" or to anyone with a carry permit, with Kostric may or may not have.
It's reasonable to not understand the intricacies of gun laws; many vary from state to state, and few are written especially clearly.
But you'd hope that television commentators would take the time to learn at least a little before calling for measures such as court injunctions and disarming by police. One thing that MSNBC's hosts could have added is that a lawsuit filed last week in Washington, D.C. seeks to establish a broad Second Amendment right to carry firearms in public -- which, if successful, could mean that William Kostric's exercise in public handgun ownership will become much more commonplace.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
H1N1 SWINE FLU Pandemic Outbreak 12160 Bio Watch UPDATED
GMTV host Andrew Castle almost lost daughter to swine flu drug | Mail Online
Czech Republic Cancels Baxter “Swine Flu” Vaccines they refuse safe guaranteeSwine
International Swine Flu Conf:preparing for death,destruction,chaos,quarantines
RE: International Swine Flu Conference Aug 19-21 ~ PDF
U.S. Considering Emergency Use Of Booster In H1N1 Vaccine
Three-Stage Vaccinations May Create Perfect Cytokine Storm
What do we know about the vaccines' safety? Not enough
CDC Refuses Answer Their Own FAQ As To Whether H1N1 Vaccinations Will Be Mandatory
No shortage of swine flu vaccines expected for the coming fall flu season | wisconsinrapidstribune.com | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune
Sanofi Pasteur starts testing swine flu vaccine with lethal adjuvants « Case about Bird Flu
Children could be given untested swine flu vaccine
Vaccine trials off to fast start for pandemic flu - USATODAY.com
Swine Flu Vaccines Contain LIVE H1N1 VIRUS!
Symptoms of H1N1 flu are no more serious than those of a regular flu, while vaccines can cause injuries and death, said Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center - 12.160Mhz
Obese At Higher Risk With H1N1
Cincinnati Lab Needs Human Guinea Pigs for H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine trials
Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Swine Flu (H1N1) Vaccine Safety Questioned by Drug Policy Researcher and Professional Ethics Director
Swine Flu Nums Just Dont Add Up!! - 12.160Mhz
US/MEXICO/CANADA meeting now to discuss NAU/Swine Flu/Drug Trade Profits
Czech Republic Cancels Baxter “Swine Flu” Vaccines they refuse safe guarantee
Dutch: the Mexican flu will be treated by the authorities as an ordinary flu - 12.160Mhz
Fox story on swine flu and martial law mentions infowars.com Kurt Nimmo
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine - Side Effects Could Cause Death - Now go get one and get over it! - 12.160Mhz
Swine Flu Vaccines Can Cause Infertility and Autoimmune Disease
Swine Flu Death Shot Volunteers being promoted on TV "Me first! Me First!"
Using New Laws for Swine Flu May Create a Perfect Storm
Banned 60 Minutes Show: Swine Flu 1976 - 12.160Mhz
Canada dismisses warning about flu drug - The Globe and Mail
Vaccine trials off to fast start for pandemic flu - USATODAY.com
Flu's Worst Case Scenario: Paranoia or Preparedness? - Infectious Disease - FOXNews.com
Monday, August 10, 2009
Max Keiser: German Gold Reserves in New York - Bundesbank had cooperated with the U.S. government in gold price suppression
By Patrick A. Heller, Market Update
August 10, 2009
On March 17, 2008, the day that Bear Stearns failed, international journalist Max Keiser interviewed officials at the Bundesbank, the German central bank. Keiser's report, released just a few days ago, contains a stunning admission. Toward the end of his report
Keiser stated, "The most fascinating thing I've learned is that all the gold in Germany is in New York."
In the past, the Bundesbank has denied that German gold reserves were in the custody of the United States. To now reveal the truth may well cause a great controversy in German political circles.
A few years ago, Bundesbank officials admitted that it had engaged in gold swaps on behalf of another central bank, but did not identify the other party. At the time, several analysts figured that meant the Bundesbank had cooperated with the U.S. government in gold price suppression activities.
The Germans could have liquidated physical gold stored in Germany on behalf of the U.S. government and replaced it by taking title to gold stored in U.S. government vaults. It was around this time that the U.S. government completely changed its report on U.S. gold holdings from referring to them as "reserves" to calling them "Custodial gold and silver reserves."
As I write this, it isn't possible to predict the extent of the fallout of this revelation. At a minimum, I would expect a public outcry in Germany calling for gold reserves to be shipped back home.
Such a request could put the U.S. government on the spot, as there is some concern that the German gold reserves are no longer intact. Some or all of it may have been distributed to the public as part of gold price suppression schemes. If so, any request by the German government to return gold could cause a severe supply squeeze. To prevent a surge in gold demand sparked by this revelation, there could be significant price suppression efforts early this week.
Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug
Donald Rumsfeld has made a killing out of bird flu. The US Defence Secretary has made more than $5m (£2.9m) in capital gains from selling shares in the biotechnology firm that discovered and developed Tamiflu, the drug being bought in massive amounts by Governments to treat a possible human pandemic of the disease.
More than 60 countries have so far ordered large stocks of the antiviral medication - the only oral medicine believed to be effective against the deadly H5N1 strain of the disease - to try to protect their people. The United Nations estimates that a pandemic could kill 150 million people worldwide.
Britain is about halfway through receiving an order of 14.6 million courses of the drug, which the Government hopes will avert some of the 700,000 deaths that might be expected. Tamiflu does not cure the disease, but if taken soon after symptoms appear it can reduce its severity.
The drug was developed by a Californian biotech company, Gilead Sciences. It is now made and sold by the giant chemical company Roche, which pays it a royalty on every tablet sold, currently about a fifth of its price.
Mr Rumsfeld was on the board of Gilead from 1988 to 2001, and was its chairman from 1997. He then left to join the Bush administration, but retained a huge shareholding .
The firm made a loss in 2003, the year before concern about bird flu started. Then revenues from Tamiflu almost quadrupled, to $44.6m, helping put the company well into the black. Sales almost quadrupled again, to $161.6m last year. During this time the share price trebled.
Mr Rumsfeld sold some of his Gilead shares in 2004 reaping - according to the financial disclosure report he is required to make each year - capital gains of more than $5m. The report showed that he still had up to $25m-worth of shares at the end of 2004, and at least one analyst believes his stake has grown well beyond that figure, as the share price has soared. Further details are not likely to become known, however, until Mr Rumsfeld makes his next disclosure in May.
The 2005 report showed that, in all, he owned shares worth up to $95.9m, from which he got an income of up to $13m, owned land worth up to $17m, and made $1m from renting it out.
He also had illiquid investments worth up to $8.1m, including in partnerships investing in biotechnology, issuing reproductions of paintings, and operating art galleries in New Mexico and Wyoming. He also has life insurance with a surrender value of up to $5m, and received up to $1m from the DHR Foundation, in which he has assets worth up to $25m, and $773,743 from the Donald H Rumsfeld Trust, in which he has assets of up to $50m.
Late last week no one at Gilead Sciences was available to comment on Mr Rumsfeld's sale of its stock. In a statement to The Independent on Sunday the Pentagon said: "Secretary Rumsfeld has no relationship with Gilead Sciences, Inc beyond his investments in the company. When he became Secretary of Defence in January 2001, divestiture of his investment in Gilead was not required by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Office of Government Ethics or the Department of Defence Standards of Conduct Office.
"Upon taking office, he recused himself from participating in any particular matter when the matter would directly and predictably affect his financial interest in Gilead Sciences."
International Swine Flu Conference - preparing for death, destruction, chaos, quarantines, etc.
Here are some SWEET, SWEET excerpts from:
International Swine Flu Conference
August 19-20, 2009 Workshop: August 21, 2009 Washington, DC
Mass Fatality Management Planning
*Direct fatality management tactical operations
*Activate fatality management operations
*Conduct morgue operations
*Manage ante-mortem data
*Conduct final disposition
Psychological Issues
*Unwillingness to follow government orders
First Responders: Fire Department
*Effectively undertake mass vaccinations
*Enforce quarantines
Law Enforcement Agencies
*Protect the delivery of vaccines & essential goods & services
*Control & diffuse social unrest & public disorder
*Isolate prisons & other facilities
Airlines, Travel, Airport, Quarantine and Border
*Apprehension, examination and release
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Banned on YouTube : Alex Jones announcing the 'Obama JOKER $1000 Video Contest
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