Jesse Ventura: They Spent 100 Million Dollars Investigating Clinton But Only 4 Million On 9/11!
Obama's far-reaching plan to guarantee all Americans healthcare ran into trouble on Friday over its more than $1 trillion price tag
VIDEO Matt Taibbi Breaks Down Goldman Sachs’ Big Scam
Switzerland: real-time internet interception to start on August 1, 2009
Cops to make up "unit" primarily for "intelligence-gathering"
In New Hampshire an eagle scout got lost and was fined $25 k for the rescue.
Rep. Denounces Ginsberg Eugenics Comment on House Floor
Rep. Joseph Pitts, a Republican from Pennsylvania, had a strong reaction to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s comments about doing away with useless eaters “we don’t want to have too many of.” Pitts declared Ginsburg’s “eugenics way of thinking debases all human life” and he expressed shock that a Supreme Court justice would suggest certain categories of people are not worthy of life and should have been aborted.
When the Honduran military overthrew the democratically elected government of Manuel Zelaya two weeks ago there might have been a sigh of relief in the corporate board rooms of Chiquita banana. Earlier this year the Cincinnati-based fruit company joined Dole in criticizing the government in Tegucigalpa which had raised the minimum wage by 60%.
International pressure may break British Vaccine Deals - u supposed to worry !!!
MILLIONS of Britons face being put in quarantine this summer as the swine flu pandemic takes hold, experts warned yesterday.
US to hold emergency meeting on swine flu vaccine to map out a plan for vaccinating Americans against swine flu when influenza season returns in the coming months, a health official said Friday.
Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers
Create a Flu Video & Be Eligible to Win $2500
Help us protect our families and communities. Create a video Public Service Announcement with the message of preventing or dealing with the flu, post it on YouTube, and you could win a $2,500 cash prize!
Secretary Sebelius invites our talented and creative citizens to create and share your PSA about flu prevention and good health.
Contest details are found at
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You may not win but you can have fun playing with them and maybe spread some truth.
Trust for America’s Health
We are pleased that the NVPO is following up on the National Vaccine Plan with an implementation plan. We recommend that this plan include multiyear funding requests, identify the legislative authorities needed to achieve such strategies, and assign offices across government that will take the lead on each goal. The implementation plan should also clearly identify which office will coordinate efforts, as many goals require input and activity from different agencies and partners. The coordinating office should ensure an open and reliable communication stream within and between departments. A model to follow would be the pairing of the National Pandemic
Influenza Strategy with the National Pandemic Influenza Implementation plan, which included specific roles for each federal agency and budget requests from the White House for carrying out the plan, coordinated by Homeland Security Council. This implementation plan should be an evergreen document, reevaluated as the science evolves and evidence of effectiveness becomes available, and progress and results of each benchmark should be made transparent to Congress, researchers, industry, and the public.
Finally, it is imperative that the NVPO integrate its planning with the large infusion of federal dollars ($750 million proposed) into immunizations proposed in the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act pending in Congress. These additional one-time funds, to be spent over the next 18 months, provide the NVPO with a unique opportunity to ensure that more Americans receive the recommended schedule of vaccines. In particular, the NVPO should consider asking the Secretary to use some of this new funding to provide every adult American with an annual influenza vaccine in 2010. This would be an excellent trial-run for a severe pandemic influenza vaccination program.

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They Live
Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace (1 of 3)